When selling a home, it’s crucial to disclose all relevant information to potential buyers, failure to do so can result in legal consequences, such as being sued for damages. Here are some things that sellers and real estate agents need to disclose to buyers when selling a home.

Firstly, property easements must be disclosed. An easement is a right granted to someone to use a portion of your property for a specific purpose, such as a driveway or access to a utility line. The easement must be documented and disclosed to potential buyers.

Secondly, any neighbourhood disputes or issues must be disclosed. This includes any ongoing legal disputes, such as noise complaints or boundary disputes. It’s important to disclose these issues to avoid potential conflicts with the new owners.

Thirdly, pool safety certificates must be provided for any property with a pool. The certificate confirms that the pool complies with the safety standards outlined by the government. It’s essential to provide this certificate to ensure that the pool is safe for use and to avoid legal consequences.

Other things that need to be disclosed include any known defects or problems with the property, any renovations or additions made to the property, and any potential hazards, such as asbestos or lead paint.

The Jacob Secco Team understands the importance of full disclosure when selling a home. That’s why we work closely with our clients to ensure that all relevant information is disclosed to potential buyers. If you have any questions about what needs to be disclosed when selling your home, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help and ensure that your home sale is a smooth and successful process.